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Beromun® EVENT

On March 21st, to celebrate the finalization of technology transfer process (technical & regulatory) of Beromun® - Tasonermin, an event took place in Luxembourg with all collaborators and stakeholders who supported Belpharma during this long and complex journey. 

At this occasion, technical team leads from the different companies involved in the manufacturing of Beromun® as well as our regulatory, CMC & medical advisors were for all united physically !


A series of presentations and discussions took place, highlighting:


-          the critical medical need around Beromun®, its positioning in the current guidelines and its effectiveness  on avoiding limb amputation in patients impacted by late stage, non resectable soft tissues sarcomas.


-          the different regulatory & technical changes and challenges (related to the biological nature of Beromun®) that we had manage in the last 5 years since the acquisition of Beromun® in December 2017 from Boehringer Ingelheim.


Discussions related also to the criticality of ensuring availability of this therapy, as well as on the need to increase the awareness around its existence beyond the existing community of users, as today, far too often, patients undergo amputation simply because oncological surgeon are not aware or able to perform the specific procedure of Isolated Limb Perfusion needed for Beromun®.


Back in 2017, Belpharma sets its objective in a very simple but ambitious way : Zero out of stock and ensuring a sustainable future for this drug by securing its supply and access.

With the technology transfer now finalized, Belpharma has now fulfilled these commitments towards the community of users and patients and can focus on its international reach.

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